May 17, 2015

Continuing Connections

Today is the last day of #dblogweek. It's always a bittersweet time for me as I really like the challenge of blogging everyday. It forces me to sit and write and sometimes I need to that...a release from the crazy days. I am not a big blog reader...I hate to say it but I don't have time to read all the wonderful diabetes blogs out there. And I get a little superstitious about reading them too...I would hate to have a blog influence how I would answer a particular topic before I write it.

But there are a few I do read...I have always followed Meri Schuhmacher at Our Diabetic Life. You can read her amazing blogs here. She has three out of four children with T1D and she was so supportive of me when my second daughter was diagnosed. She has a positive attitude or even on the off chance she had a rough day of battling blood sugars she will say something that just makes me giggle...because I have been down that road too.

I also read Amy Ermel's blog, Mom of an extra sweet insulin challenged girl. You can read her blog here. Amy always makes me smile and is incredibly talented with a knitting needle!! Amy has a great attitude as well. I love the stories that she tells about her daughter and the pictures of her crazy cat! I swear, with some of her stories I feel we must be related!

The writing that both of these ladies so eloquently put together have been the hug that I've needed to feel or the high five I've been waiting for. They have given me hope and cheered me along the way just when I've needed it. While many of us bloggers may wonder if anyone reads our rambling...please know that this blogger reads yours and I look forward to them! Great job ladies and thank you for writing!

Giving credit where credit is due...however, I don't know who to credit for this logo but it's NOT me! 

May 16, 2015

Favorites and Motivation

Some of my favorite blog posts that I have written deal with "Dear Diabetes". When I can get all my feelings out and tell diabetes what I really think of it. It's ugly and full of emotion but in the end I feel better. You can read it here.

My motivation is's my girls! My blogging is my journal. If I am able to help one person then I consider it well worth writing. In those first initial months you feel so overwhelmed and alone; so being able to give someone a spark of hope and to let them know they are NOT alone is key. I like to share (or over share) because I know there are others going through the same thing. It's nice to know that we are all in this together and cheering each other on!

My motivation!

May 15, 2015

Foods on Friday

In our house I try not to ban any type of food. Since diabetes entered our lives in 2005 I have never wanted food to become a battle. It's just not worth the fight or the worry that they would sneak the banned food. There are some foods that love to mess with blood sugar numbers and for those we do a trial and error of pre-bolusing 15-20 minutes before eating and square wave bolus. We try to eliminate or lessen the impact of the rapid post meal blood sugar spike. Most of the time, no matter how hard I try, we don't succeed. So we try again the next time. Then for kicks and giggles, just when we think we may have it figured out, we don't. The key is being open to trying. Now that my girls are old enough they have banned certain foods because they don't like how their blood sugar spikes and how they feel after having a Pop Tart. To them it's not worth it. Sure, they may have an occasional one but in the end they remember why they stopped eating them.

It works for us and you have to find what works for you. I try to treat them as normal teenager/young adults who are always starving and just happen to have T1D along for the ride. Let them eat!

Food flow by pisadeviant 

May 14, 2015


I love change. I find it a little nerve wracking but exhilarating at the same time. It's something new and I love to learn. The changes in medical devices we have seen since our middle daughter was diagnosed in 2005 is remarkable. Insulin pump options, CGM sizes, blood glucose meters...all an improvement from 2005. I am excited at the possibility of a market AP (artificial pancreas) and encapsulation. No, none of this is a cure but I firmly believe we need advancements in technology so that when the cure is a reality my girls will be healthy enough for it.

We've come a long way baby!!
Image borrowed from

May 13, 2015

Clean it Out

My diabetes cabinet is pretty has to be with two T1D's in the house. I'm a little OCD about it too. I circle all the expiration dates and rotate the boxes of supplies as they are used. Everything has a place and it's super easy to grab the needed items for the always seeming on the go site change.

One thing that I used to be bad about keeping was the printed out reports one gets after visiting the Endo for the three month check up. Not sure why I felt the need to keep them all but I think I'm good right now. I might be sitting on two print outs x 2 kids so four reports. I at least keep the latest one on the off chance we have a pump failure and I need to look up ratios and sensitivities.

There are definitely other areas that I need help in but organizing our diabetes supplies is not one of them!

May 12, 2015

Keep it to Yourself

If you have followed along with the Blue Heel Society for a while you know I pretty much tell it like it is. I don't hold back on too many things. The one thing I sometimes brush ever so slightly on is the mental aspect of diabetes and the toll it takes on the caregiver but more specifically the patient.

 I keep it to myself because it isn't my personal fight. I can speak to how it affects me as a caregiver but I can't speak on how it affects my daughters. I see it though. It's not my story to tell. It's theirs.

 There is something therapeutic for me about being vulnerable with all of you that I like to share as I know it could help someone who is dealing with the same issue. I view my blogging as my journal only all of you get to read my inner most thoughts. It helps me to write and get things off my chest.

 My eldest daughter blogs for the Diabetes Monster. You can find the link here. She tells it like it is too and writes very positively. I know it helps her to encourage and inspire others with T1D. My middle daughter expresses herself through art. She loves to create paintings on canvases.

We all have our battles...some we need to keep to ourselves.  

May 11, 2015

I Can!

Have you ever thought how life with diabetes can be positive?

Now, if you are sleep deprived at the moment due to a late night fighting blood sugars then you most likely think I'm crazy and will click off this post. I don't blame you...please do and come back to it when you get some rest. 

For some, you may be thinking how can diabetes be positive? I would've never thought that almost ten years ago after my first daughter was diagnosed at the age of four. I felt like my life had flipped upside down and inside out. 

However, after a few months...make that years...when I felt like we had things under control and I'm not talking blood sugar numbers, I'm talking life with diabetes, I started to take notice of the positives. 

My daughter was able to:

  • recognize when her blood sugars where either high or low
  • administer insulin via syringe, insulin pen and eventually the pump
  • advocate on her behalf with teachers, peers and congressmen
  • find a group of friends with T1D who were just like her and knew what she was going through
  • know the effects of different foods and what it does to her blood sugars and how it makes her feel
  • develop a soft heart for those with invisible illnesses
What I was able to do: 
  • recognize how her personality changed due to high and low blood sugars
  • become an honorary nurse...too bad I'm not a licensed nurse...but then I have a terrible bedside manner! :)
  • advocate for others who are unable to advocated for diabetes with school, peers and congressmen
  • find D Moms and D Dads who understand why my hair is crazier looking (more than normal) and I have bags under my eyes
  • S.W.A.G. like a BOSS!!! 
  • develop a soft heart for others with invisible diseases 
I would never wish type one diabetes on anyone. Not every day is easy or positive. However, I CHOOSE to make it positive.  

May 1, 2015

#HAWMC Last Day!!

Today is the LAST day of our blog challenge!! Thank you to those whom checked us out when they could and for those who stuck around ALL month long! And a special shout out to Thomas Moore who helped me out during the month with his blog contributions! We are honored and humbled by you all!! Remember Blue Heel Society is here for matter the Type!