Sep 1, 2015

Diabetes Social Media Burnout 2015

Today is Diabetes Social Media Burnout blog day...

As many of our faithful BLUE-tiful readers know we haven't been much of a presence on Social Media lately. It doesn't mean that any of us are any less passionate than we were back when the Blue Heel Society made its just means we are busy living. Life has happened to all four of us (Tony, Diane, Thomas and myself) and diabetes is still in the forefront. We might not be posting or blogging as much but we are living it just like you do day in and day out.

Personally I belong to several DOC groups and fortunately I am far too busy to keep up with them. This is good and bad. I try to stay away from drama...ain't nobody got time for that! And whether it's meant to be posted as drama or just types out that way so much is lost in typing. There isn't any emotional inflection no matter any many emoji's you put into a post. I will sometimes see the after effects of a post and wonder what happened but keep scrolling. The bad part is I sometimes miss out on the cool new technology posts or "cure" updates. Maybe I see them a few days later and share them on my personal page and forget to share with our Blue Heel Society friends. Truthfully it gets a little overwhelming with all the diabetes things that are posted throughout social media and the newsletters my inbox is overflowing with and I try very hard not to share too much information with you and flood your timeline. Like I's good and bad.

What I still LOVE to do is talking with newly diagnosed families or adults. That's what brought me to the DOC in the first place...was to feel welcome and part of a family that gets "it". To me, this will never go away nor will I ever get burnt out. My goal of spreading a little bit of hope in a valley of darkness is still the fire in my belly and why I keep doing what I'm doing. Because, our family is still growing and we need to stand together and be there for each other. No judgement...just acceptance and understanding.