Sep 1, 2015

Diabetes Social Media Burnout 2015

Today is Diabetes Social Media Burnout blog day...

As many of our faithful BLUE-tiful readers know we haven't been much of a presence on Social Media lately. It doesn't mean that any of us are any less passionate than we were back when the Blue Heel Society made its just means we are busy living. Life has happened to all four of us (Tony, Diane, Thomas and myself) and diabetes is still in the forefront. We might not be posting or blogging as much but we are living it just like you do day in and day out.

Personally I belong to several DOC groups and fortunately I am far too busy to keep up with them. This is good and bad. I try to stay away from drama...ain't nobody got time for that! And whether it's meant to be posted as drama or just types out that way so much is lost in typing. There isn't any emotional inflection no matter any many emoji's you put into a post. I will sometimes see the after effects of a post and wonder what happened but keep scrolling. The bad part is I sometimes miss out on the cool new technology posts or "cure" updates. Maybe I see them a few days later and share them on my personal page and forget to share with our Blue Heel Society friends. Truthfully it gets a little overwhelming with all the diabetes things that are posted throughout social media and the newsletters my inbox is overflowing with and I try very hard not to share too much information with you and flood your timeline. Like I's good and bad.

What I still LOVE to do is talking with newly diagnosed families or adults. That's what brought me to the DOC in the first place...was to feel welcome and part of a family that gets "it". To me, this will never go away nor will I ever get burnt out. My goal of spreading a little bit of hope in a valley of darkness is still the fire in my belly and why I keep doing what I'm doing. Because, our family is still growing and we need to stand together and be there for each other. No judgement...just acceptance and understanding.

Aug 26, 2015

Extend Nutrition Taste Test

My family is very active. We are always on the go volunteering at many non-profit organizations for which we have personal connections, going to school/work and traveling all over the city for sporting games. So when I was asked to give Extend Nutrition a try, I thought, “Sure, why not?” When I read about Extend Nutrition products and how they help stabilize blood sugar for 6-9 hours I was excited! Our family of 5 consists of two Type 1 diabetics; my girls, Nora, age 14 (diagnosed at 4) and Evelyn, age 21 (diagnosed just before her 18th birthday).

Nora is my super athlete. She plays sports year round and has delayed lows from all her activity. We have to be careful with how we treat her blood sugar readings as she will have an in range reading before playing followed by a higher out of range reading going into her game as her adrenaline kicks in. She follows her games with a blood sugar check and dinner. Many times we only correct for the carbs eaten as we know the dreading six hour crash will come. Over time we have learned that a single slice of bread spread with peanut butter keeps her numbers in range but many times she grows tired of peanut butter sandwiches. And that’s where Extend Nutrition fills that void.

Evelyn is my full time college student, Nanny to a Type 1 boy and part time employee at a local furniture store. Many times she is leaving one place to go to another and trying to find time to eat something can be somewhat of a challenge. The hectic life she leads makes Extend Nutrition a healthy and smart option.

Extend Nutrition sent us a variety of snacks to try. We had Mixed Berry, Cookies & Cream and Chocolate & Caramel Anytime Bars along with Caramel Drizzle Anytime Crisps. My girls readily went to the Cookies and Cream and Chocolate Caramel Anytime Bars. They were easy to throw in a sports bag or purse and go. I had to taste test too…I mean chocolate, caramel and berries…yes, please! I liked the Mixed Berry Anytime Bar. I am a runner and pace group leader for a local running store. I found that eating the Anytime Bar was good nutrition after my run. It filled me up and kept me from eating the entire refrigerator contents when I came home from my long runs! I loved, loved, loved the Caramel Drizzle Anytime Crisps. I made the mistake of telling my girls they were good and then they were gone!

I could tell you the science behind the Extend Nutrition and how it involves a complex carbohydrate which is not digested fully and converts to glucose slowly but you can read that on the website. What I want to share with you is that the flavors are tasty, my girls (and myself) enjoyed them, they ARE Gluten Free and Kosher. Bottom line, Extend Nutrition does what they say they do…help stabilize blood sugar 6-9 hours and that it works for my girls.

Give them a try! They have many products to choose from and I can easily find them in my local grocery stores and pharmacies.

May 17, 2015

Continuing Connections

Today is the last day of #dblogweek. It's always a bittersweet time for me as I really like the challenge of blogging everyday. It forces me to sit and write and sometimes I need to that...a release from the crazy days. I am not a big blog reader...I hate to say it but I don't have time to read all the wonderful diabetes blogs out there. And I get a little superstitious about reading them too...I would hate to have a blog influence how I would answer a particular topic before I write it.

But there are a few I do read...I have always followed Meri Schuhmacher at Our Diabetic Life. You can read her amazing blogs here. She has three out of four children with T1D and she was so supportive of me when my second daughter was diagnosed. She has a positive attitude or even on the off chance she had a rough day of battling blood sugars she will say something that just makes me giggle...because I have been down that road too.

I also read Amy Ermel's blog, Mom of an extra sweet insulin challenged girl. You can read her blog here. Amy always makes me smile and is incredibly talented with a knitting needle!! Amy has a great attitude as well. I love the stories that she tells about her daughter and the pictures of her crazy cat! I swear, with some of her stories I feel we must be related!

The writing that both of these ladies so eloquently put together have been the hug that I've needed to feel or the high five I've been waiting for. They have given me hope and cheered me along the way just when I've needed it. While many of us bloggers may wonder if anyone reads our rambling...please know that this blogger reads yours and I look forward to them! Great job ladies and thank you for writing!

Giving credit where credit is due...however, I don't know who to credit for this logo but it's NOT me! 

May 16, 2015

Favorites and Motivation

Some of my favorite blog posts that I have written deal with "Dear Diabetes". When I can get all my feelings out and tell diabetes what I really think of it. It's ugly and full of emotion but in the end I feel better. You can read it here.

My motivation is's my girls! My blogging is my journal. If I am able to help one person then I consider it well worth writing. In those first initial months you feel so overwhelmed and alone; so being able to give someone a spark of hope and to let them know they are NOT alone is key. I like to share (or over share) because I know there are others going through the same thing. It's nice to know that we are all in this together and cheering each other on!

My motivation!

May 15, 2015

Foods on Friday

In our house I try not to ban any type of food. Since diabetes entered our lives in 2005 I have never wanted food to become a battle. It's just not worth the fight or the worry that they would sneak the banned food. There are some foods that love to mess with blood sugar numbers and for those we do a trial and error of pre-bolusing 15-20 minutes before eating and square wave bolus. We try to eliminate or lessen the impact of the rapid post meal blood sugar spike. Most of the time, no matter how hard I try, we don't succeed. So we try again the next time. Then for kicks and giggles, just when we think we may have it figured out, we don't. The key is being open to trying. Now that my girls are old enough they have banned certain foods because they don't like how their blood sugar spikes and how they feel after having a Pop Tart. To them it's not worth it. Sure, they may have an occasional one but in the end they remember why they stopped eating them.

It works for us and you have to find what works for you. I try to treat them as normal teenager/young adults who are always starving and just happen to have T1D along for the ride. Let them eat!

Food flow by pisadeviant 

May 14, 2015


I love change. I find it a little nerve wracking but exhilarating at the same time. It's something new and I love to learn. The changes in medical devices we have seen since our middle daughter was diagnosed in 2005 is remarkable. Insulin pump options, CGM sizes, blood glucose meters...all an improvement from 2005. I am excited at the possibility of a market AP (artificial pancreas) and encapsulation. No, none of this is a cure but I firmly believe we need advancements in technology so that when the cure is a reality my girls will be healthy enough for it.

We've come a long way baby!!
Image borrowed from

May 13, 2015

Clean it Out

My diabetes cabinet is pretty has to be with two T1D's in the house. I'm a little OCD about it too. I circle all the expiration dates and rotate the boxes of supplies as they are used. Everything has a place and it's super easy to grab the needed items for the always seeming on the go site change.

One thing that I used to be bad about keeping was the printed out reports one gets after visiting the Endo for the three month check up. Not sure why I felt the need to keep them all but I think I'm good right now. I might be sitting on two print outs x 2 kids so four reports. I at least keep the latest one on the off chance we have a pump failure and I need to look up ratios and sensitivities.

There are definitely other areas that I need help in but organizing our diabetes supplies is not one of them!

May 12, 2015

Keep it to Yourself

If you have followed along with the Blue Heel Society for a while you know I pretty much tell it like it is. I don't hold back on too many things. The one thing I sometimes brush ever so slightly on is the mental aspect of diabetes and the toll it takes on the caregiver but more specifically the patient.

 I keep it to myself because it isn't my personal fight. I can speak to how it affects me as a caregiver but I can't speak on how it affects my daughters. I see it though. It's not my story to tell. It's theirs.

 There is something therapeutic for me about being vulnerable with all of you that I like to share as I know it could help someone who is dealing with the same issue. I view my blogging as my journal only all of you get to read my inner most thoughts. It helps me to write and get things off my chest.

 My eldest daughter blogs for the Diabetes Monster. You can find the link here. She tells it like it is too and writes very positively. I know it helps her to encourage and inspire others with T1D. My middle daughter expresses herself through art. She loves to create paintings on canvases.

We all have our battles...some we need to keep to ourselves.  

May 11, 2015

I Can!

Have you ever thought how life with diabetes can be positive?

Now, if you are sleep deprived at the moment due to a late night fighting blood sugars then you most likely think I'm crazy and will click off this post. I don't blame you...please do and come back to it when you get some rest. 

For some, you may be thinking how can diabetes be positive? I would've never thought that almost ten years ago after my first daughter was diagnosed at the age of four. I felt like my life had flipped upside down and inside out. 

However, after a few months...make that years...when I felt like we had things under control and I'm not talking blood sugar numbers, I'm talking life with diabetes, I started to take notice of the positives. 

My daughter was able to:

  • recognize when her blood sugars where either high or low
  • administer insulin via syringe, insulin pen and eventually the pump
  • advocate on her behalf with teachers, peers and congressmen
  • find a group of friends with T1D who were just like her and knew what she was going through
  • know the effects of different foods and what it does to her blood sugars and how it makes her feel
  • develop a soft heart for those with invisible illnesses
What I was able to do: 
  • recognize how her personality changed due to high and low blood sugars
  • become an honorary nurse...too bad I'm not a licensed nurse...but then I have a terrible bedside manner! :)
  • advocate for others who are unable to advocated for diabetes with school, peers and congressmen
  • find D Moms and D Dads who understand why my hair is crazier looking (more than normal) and I have bags under my eyes
  • S.W.A.G. like a BOSS!!! 
  • develop a soft heart for others with invisible diseases 
I would never wish type one diabetes on anyone. Not every day is easy or positive. However, I CHOOSE to make it positive.  

May 1, 2015

#HAWMC Last Day!!

Today is the LAST day of our blog challenge!! Thank you to those whom checked us out when they could and for those who stuck around ALL month long! And a special shout out to Thomas Moore who helped me out during the month with his blog contributions! We are honored and humbled by you all!! Remember Blue Heel Society is here for matter the Type!

Apr 30, 2015

#HAWMC: Combo post

I'm a slacker...actually, I'm not...I'm just super busy and didn't have the time to blog yesterday. So you get a combo post today!

Day 29: Product Review ~ One thing I love about the Diabetes Online Community is that we are willing to share all our favorite gadgets, diabetes supplies and tricks of the trade. A product that we have used for some time and LOVE is the Accu-Check Fastclix. No need to ever touch or accidentally prick your non diabetic finger ever again!! Instead of an individual lancet there are six lancets in a drum that you never see. You insert the drum into the device and voila...hold the device to your finger, press the button and blood is drawn from your finger. We previously used the Multiclix but Fastclix is quicker and easier. No cocking the's locked and loaded (so to speak). It's a simple device but sometimes simple is good!

Accu-Check Fastclix

Day 30: I Wish I Would Have Known ~ I'm not sure...because anything you would've told me 10 years ago I wouldn't have believed anyway. Our world came crashing down with a Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) with my 4 year old and we didn't have a clue. I've always had the Momma Bear personality but it kicked in big time in 2004. I was able to find support locally thru our JDRF Chapter and a local support group. They were life savers. I had to get involved and feel like I could DO something. Years later I found the Diabetes Online Community (DOC) and saver. To know that I have support a key stroke away, no matter if I am texting a D Mom or messaging them on Facebook, I know they are there for me. I think I had to muddle through a few years and find our new normal to be the Mom I am today. So, in a way, I'm glad I didn't know anything. It made me a fighter. It made me stronger. It made me find my voice and purpose.

Apr 28, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 28 'Acronym' #HAWMC

Today we are asked to use “health” as an acronym and come up with words that represent your Health Activist Journey.

Not as easy as it sounds!

Without using any online Acronym generators, here's my lame attempt:







What is YOUR Acronym for HEALTH?

Apr 27, 2015

#HAWMC Day 27: Bye, bye, bye...

A few years ago we did a Dear Diabetes letter...a chance to tell diabetes what we really think of it. Today, we are to share a letter to the people who have hurt us because they don't understand the daily struggles of living with diabetes. This is our chance to tell them what we really think...believe me, I have no problem telling them right then and there! But for the sake of this post I will act as if I have bottled it up inside.

Dear Hurtful Person,

I would like you to know that some days I envy you. Your lack of diabetes information, insurance worries, prescriptions benefits and hospital visits truly make me jealous. The fact that you can let your child go play for an extended period of time without checking in, letting them go on sleepover after sleepover, vacation with other families and out of state school field trips is something I can do with some trepidation but LOTS of planning.

You see, my daughters have Type 1 diabetes. To look at them you see what I do. Beautiful, blonde, carefree, funny and strong gals but inside their pancreas doesn't work. This means they are required to take insulin to keep them alive. They are attached to an insulin pump...and no, we aren't in the 1990's, kids don't wear pagers (and we've only heard that a million times!!) They need to take their blood sugar every three hours, sometimes more. They are in a constant battle within themselves to keep their blood sugar in their target range of 100-150. Some days this is like balancing those spinning plates on sticks; like you see at the circus; oh!! add going to school, work and playing sports while balancing those spinning plates. Yes, they look fine but inside they are feeling weak, tired, thirsty, hot and overwhelmed. Type 1 diabetics are some of the strongest, bravest people I know. You won't see the tears that are shed when my girls aren't feeling well or they are frustrated because their blood sugars have been riding the roller coaster all day no matter what they do. You will see them smile and carry on.

I understand and appreciate the fact that you know very little about diabetes. At one time I didn't know what it was either. But I ask you to pause before you ask a question, such as, "are they controlled?" "but you're skinny" or "can you eat that?" Instead ask what diabetes is, how it makes them feel, what they are good at, what they struggle with, what their favorite sports team is, their favorite color and their favorite food. My daughters are human. They have thoughts and feelings. They want your compassion NOT your sympathy and they sure don't want your stupidity. If you happen to have a long lost relative that had diabetes, great! But please keep the stories to yourself. Unless you physically live with or have cared for a person with Type 1 don't assume you know everything there is to know about diabetes. Believe me, if you ask caring and thoughtful questions my girls are more than happy to tell you about diabetes. However, if you proceed to tell horrific tales of them being feed too much sugar when they were little you will have a fury unleashed upon you that is just a step below Momma Bear. So consider yourself warned.

Last but not least, be kind and compassionate. If there is one good thing about diabetes it's that it has taught all of us to be compassionate to others. We understand the invisible illness. We understand pain and suffering. We see the smiles with the sad eyes. We get it. All we ask is that you do the same. Sometimes all we need is an ear to bend, or a hug, a smile or someone to say, "what can I do for you". Don't be so quick to judge someone. Just because they don't look ill doesn't mean they aren't fighting a war inside.


the Mom of a T1D

photo credits: Google Images

Apr 26, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 26 'Make it a Great Day' #HAWMC

Make it a Great Day

Today we are asked to "Come up with 5 tips for changing your frame of mind when you’re having a bad day!".

Here are a couple examples:

1. Remember tomorrow is a new day. 

2. Don't struggle with things you cannot change. 

3. Change the way you think to provide for a better today.

4.  Keep the drama down.

5.  Walk away from a difficult situation, and come back to it with a clearer mind.

Now go out and make it a GREAT day...

Apr 24, 2015

Day 24 #HAWMC: Fitness Friday

How do I maintain a healthy lifestyle? What is my favorite exercise? How do I manage fitness with a chronic illness?

I have shared before that I enjoy running. I am currently training for a big marathon here in Cincinnati, Ohio; it's the Flying Pig. I am running the half marathon which is 13.1 miles. I have run the half twice before but this year I have committed to train with a running group. I didn't think I would like it but it has turned out to be fun running with others. Plus I have had a run scheduled every Tuesday evening and Saturday morning since January no matter the weather conditions. My hubby has our one car garage (sometimes much to my dismay) set up as a gym with flat/incline benches, weights, roman chair, straight bars and punching bags. I like to join him out there for strength training but don't get out there as often as I would like. I also like to take walks with my son to the local library. It's about 4 blocks over and as he said yesterday on our walk, "this gives us good talking time"!. Our family is constantly moving so being active is not only necessary but a way of life for us.

Both of my girls who are Type 1 maintain an active lifestyle through sports, work and school. My 14 year old is in sports year round. In fact, a few years ago she begged me to home school her so she could do sports all day long...that was a big NO!! She has been in competitive sports for a few years now but has chosen to focus on basketball. She endures the extra practices and self motivated work outs while trying to maintain an in range blood sugar (insert cynical range?!?...we try!!). It's hard. She has the delayed lows six hours later on top of possible lows during practice and games. We are trying all types of different variables to keep her in range and on the court as much as possible. She has always been one of my on the go kids. She has to be active...constantly.

My 20 year old played sports up through high school. She is now in college, working, interning and helping a teen T1D with her diabetes support group. She was diagnosed just after she graduated high school but she finds that even walking around the mall shopping can make her blood sugar drop. She works retail so often times if they are super busy or she is running from the front of the store to the back of the store she will have a low blood sugar.

It's a fine balance and I have found that even though both my girls have T1D it is a completely different beast in both of them. The bottom line is that they both enjoy doing things and having highs/lows may side line them for the moment; it doesn't stop them from doing what they love.

My T1D girls at Diabetes Camp! 

Apr 23, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 23 - 'Writers Choice - Pharmacy Phollies' #HAWMC

'Writers Choice - Pharmacy Phollies'
Every Month...every time, trips and interaction with the Pharmacy never go smoothly. Giving the appearance of professionalism is simply a PHARCE!!!

Between all the members of my household, we fill almost 20 different meds, sometimes spanning 3 different locations and/or mail order. Every med, every month stays the same. Yet every month there is some kind of phuck up. Be it a refill needed from the Doctor, or a simple refill, something goes wrong.

I dream of the time when all our prescriptions are filled at the SAME TIME, and without any errors. I have a feeling  I am not the only one...

Have a Pharmacy horror story of your own? Please share by leaving a comment on this post.

Apr 22, 2015

Day 22 #HAWMC: Hobbies

Today I am to share my favorite hobbies. If you’ve been reading my posts since the beginning of the month then you know that I’ve talked about running, painting, coloring and now that I think about it…writing. While I’ve mentioned these activities as stress relievers they are my hobbies too. I don’t nearly have the time to do all of them but I do enjoy them when I get the chance to participate. I like being creative. It allows me to submerge myself in the craft and not worry about doctor appointments, insurance bills, emails, pharmacy concerns or chronic illness. Pounding pavement helps me work out any stress and let’s face it…it’s good for me too.  What kind of hobbies do you like to do?

Apr 21, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 21 - 'Reflection' #HAWMC

Monday, April 20, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 21 -  'Reflection'

This is a day to reflect. For the WEGO Health family, we reflect on the inspiring and tireless work Health Activists do every day. Reflect on your journey today. What are your thoughts and hopes for the future?

About six years ago, I went from gathering information to help with my Wife and diabetes, to advocating as strong as I could. 

One of the things that always bothered me was the infighting among those in the Diabetic Online Community (DOC) about which form of diabetes is the most important to be advocating for. This proved to do nothing short of  turning off the advocating that "Type" fighting should have brought together the DOC. Instead, it tore us apart. To be clear, the line between us splintered awareness, research, education into groups. I am happy to say that this "Type" fight has dwindled. We know now that advocating for ONE Disease as ONE Voice, we will get to the cure  faster.

I also used to keep daily statistics on how many times both the terms "diabetes" and "diabetic" popped up in various Google searches. Why you ask? The disparity was huge when I first started. I am happy to say the line has narrowed and we see less fighting on this topic today. 

This IS important as we keep advocating for all of us affected by diabetes using ONE Voice to do so. It is noteworthy because we see much less distractions between the two Terms which allows a stronger Voice as we move forward. 

We must remember that behind every diagnosis of diabetes is a PERSON, NOT a Term. As diabetes keeps showing as a pandemic, it also affects every person on the planet, as a trickle down effect of how diabetes infects our community everywhere we turn.

So as I reflect on my advocating I am pleased we are understanding that the ONE Voice needed is for all of us,

ONE Disease, ONE World, ONE Voice. Let's get busy...

Apr 20, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 20 - 'Travel Time' #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 20 -  'Travel Time'

Today we are asked to write about "If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?".

I am far from the seasoned traveler. As a matter of fact, the farthest I travel many days is to 7/11 and/or the grocery store. Doesn't mean I am opposed to traveling. We are actually planning a move out of State [Cali] to Oklahoma to be near Kids and Grandkids. And of course finding new Doctors and Pharmacy's is on the menu and isn't that easy. So...

One of the places I always wanted to see is Boston. I love the East Coast and lived there for many years, just never made it up the Coast to Boston. I know I would enjoy the vast historical beauty as well as the rich fishing industry that part of our Country has. 

Since today is the Boston Marathon, I celebrate being an American and would love to be there to slap terrorism in the face.

God bless America and safe travels everyone...

Apr 19, 2015

Day 19 #HAWMC: Stress Awareness Month

What's the best way to deal with stress? How do you like to let loose to escape common stressors? Share your favorite ways to shake off the stress. #shakeitoff

If you've been following along since the beginning of the month you know I relieve a lot of stress by running. However, one of my favorite things to do is be creative. I love making things; be it painting on a canvas, finding a craft on Pintrest and duplicating it (well, trying to) or coloring. Yes, I said coloring. Many years ago, each December I would purchase a coloring calendar from Mary Engelbreit. Late at night, after my kids where asleep, I would take my calendar, colored pencils and sharpener and give life to my coloring calendar. I spent time shading and creating different shades of color on each monthly page. When my girls were older they would ask to color. I wouldn't let them. It was my special coloring calendar. I know that must sound harsh but it was my stress relief. I think one year I let one of the girls color a little bit but this is one area I am justifiably selfish. I'll share my candy bars, my ice cream, my shower time, the bathroom plus a host of other things but darn it...the coloring calendar was mine!! As the years went on I couldn't find these calendars anymore and by then I had upgrading to a huge wall calendar with different colored post it notes per child due to the increasing activity. Then a few months ago while scrolling through Facebook I came across an ad for an adult coloring book available on Amazon. I immediately searched for it only to find that it was sold out. Last week as I was scrolling Facebook Mary Engelbreit had posted HER coloring book and that it was available for purchase at her store. I immediately clicked the link and purchased the coloring book. I was SO excited when it arrived in the mail last week! I even went out to buy my very own colored pencils (I splurged for the 24 count). I find that when I'm coloring or creating that I am deeply involved with the colors and how I want the page or canvas to look like that I forget everything else. I am at peace. With my busy schedule I don't have much time to be creative but I sure do long for it and enjoy it when I get to create!

One of the pages from the Mary Engelbreit Color Me Coloring Book 

Apr 18, 2015

Day 18 #HAWMC: Summer is Coming

What 3 things do I look forward to the most in the summer?

1. NO homeowork
2. Corn on the Cob
3. Bonfires

I do love a schedule and the schedule goes out the door as soon as school is over. This also means some funky blood sugar readings but we take it all in stride. This summer will be exciting as my 14 year old is graduating from middle school and starting high school. She is excited as she is attending a school that only one other person from her class will be as well. She is breaking free and spreading her wings!

What do you look forward to doing in the summer?
Thank you Google images for the Summer clipart! 

Apr 17, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 17 - 'Health Tagline' #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 17 -  'Health Tagline'

Today we are prompted to create a “Health tagline” Give yourself, your blog, your condition, or some aspect of your health a tagline. Make sure it’s catchy!

Those of us affected by diabetes talk so much about, and dwell upon the Blood Glucose [sugar[ Levels of finger poke test's during the day, A1c [3 month average] Tests, proper carb to insulin ratios, amount of good/bad carbs in any given food.

It is WAY to easy to stress over each and every aspect of the numbers those items bring. You will see many try to keep things in perspective by saying it is just a number. So how about we go all out and make our tagline "'s just a number".

One of the things we try to impress upon ourselves, and to those whom are newly diagnosed, is that diabetes is NOT a death sentence. That does not mean we ever forget that it IS a silent killer, and that the medication [Insulin] that keeps us alive, can also kill us. That being said, here's another tagline worth exploring "Diabetes is just a word, not a [Death] Sentence".

To summarize, I have "'s just a number" or "Diabetes is just a word, not a [death] Sentence".

We would love to hear YOUR Tagline. Just leave it in the comments section and we will feature them in a future blog post.

Apr 16, 2015

Day 16 #HAWMC: Life Goal

What's one thing that your 10 year old self though you would do? Can I still do it? How would you approach it to make it happen?

Wow...I can't remember what I did last week let alone what I did when I was 10 but if memory serves me than I would've been in 4th grade. I LOVED 4th grade and my teacher, Mrs. Soldo. She didn't have any of her own kids and yet treated us all as if we were her own. She loved each of us. I was really into rainbows. I had the rainbow comforter and pillow sham for my room...I had the rainbow 3/4 length shirt that I would wear to the skating rink...I drew rainbows everywhere. They made me happy. My teacher had given me a folder that was like a color page filled with rainbows. She knew each of us just like that. It was then that I wanted to be a teacher. However, as I grew up and the years went by; what I wanted to do changed over and over again. But when you think about it, I am a teacher. I teach my kids. I teach administrators. I teach people about diabetes. So while it wasn't my chosen path I ended up teaching anyway!

Thank you Google Images for the rainbow! 

Apr 15, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 15 - 'Get Excited' #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 15 -  'Get Excited'

Today we are tasked with writing about "What revs up your internal engine? When you see, hear, feel this it gets you excited and ready to face what comes next. Tell us what it is!"

This one is easy. The Beach...the Beach is that way.

Living by the Beach is a natural for me as I grew up loving all types of water activities. When we go on our morning walk, I can see and smell the pacific ocean from where we are. Not only get's me excited, it reminds me of some of the  most fun I had growing up. The waves crashing on a quiet beach sets my pace for the day. 

Bring it on...

Apr 14, 2015

Day 13 and 14: The Perfect Comeback and "I feel best when..." #HAWMC

Sorry about a double post today. I was in Columbus, Ohio with Jackson last night and today storming the Capital advocating for hemophilia with the Ohio Bleeding Disorder Council. It was a jammed packed evening and day that was wonderful but I'll save that for another post.

Day 13: The Perfect Comeback: I have many comebacks...what can I tell you; I am a smart ass. Sometimes the comebacks actually come out of mouth and other times I'm left speechless and the comeback comes out hours later and I kick myself for not having been witty enough at the time to spew it out. One happened not that long ago. We live in a quaint Village in a home that was built in the late 1880's; wood siding, metal roof, wrap around porch...I just love it. In 2005 we decided that we needed to paint our house. I wanted bold colors because...really?! Why not?! My hubby, gawd love him, thought he could power wash the old paint off in a weekend and paint the following week. I knew better. Imagine his surprise when the high pressure hose was NOT taking off the paint. So we scrapped...and scrapped...and scrapped some more. The weekend we started this project was the first week of June and hotter than hell. Not two days into this project our then 4 year old was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Talk about a life changing whirl wind time. That was also 5 days in the hospital learning how to keep our daughter alive. We muddled through that summer and the following summer and got the house about 85-90% done. Life got crazy. Jackson was born and when he entered Pre-School we also refinanced our house. One of the conditions was to finish the 10-15% of painting that we didn't get done. No problem. I could do that while Jackson was at school. Well, little did I know how much our lack of painting the one side of our detached garage angered our neighbor. One of the days I was finishing up the painting he comes out and says, "well, it's about time you finished this side of the garage!" To which I looked right at him and said, "well, the year we started painting our daughter was diagnosed with Type 1, later our son was born with a bleeding disorder and our eldest daughter was diagnosed Type 1. So excuse me if I was busy keeping my kids alive with their chronic illness instead of painting the garage!" Needless to say he fumbled with some incoherent words and walked away.

Day 14: "I feel best when..." when I come up with timely, witty comebacks!! Ha!! No, really, I feel best when my kids are happy, I have a refrigerator full of food (and medicine!!) and my biggest supporter, my hubby, by my side. Sappy? Yes...but it's true!

I thought I had a picture of the front of our house...but this is the get the idea!

Apr 12, 2015

Day 12 #HAWMC: Day of Rest

Day of rest...seriously?! It doesn't happen often in my house. Between the kids sports schedule, work, my volunteer duties and the home I don't have much down time. When I do...I like to run, read a book, watch TV, or work crossword puzzles. These are a mindless things...meaning I don't have to be thinking of anything. I can just let go and veg out; even if it's only for a few minutes. Another of my favorite things to do (and my hubby's too) is to take a ride in our 1979 CJ7 Jeep; aka the Black Pearl. I don't care if it's going around the block just the act of hearing it fire up and feeling the wind in my hair is enough of a soul cleanse that it puts a smile on our faces each and every time we take it out. Unfortunately it's out of commission for the moment. The brakes went out last fall. We found this out the hard way. After bleeding the line and that not working my hubby has some trouble shooting to do. It's not our daily driver as it has some quirks to it but it's all part of the journey. We may end up stranded (it dies), out of gas (the gas gauge doesn't work) or trying to rush home before night fall (we have no running brake lights) but it's still a blast! We have more fun stories about the Black Pearl and it's adventures that we will remember for a life time...just ask my friend, Kristen, about the time the Black Pearl rolled away from the gas pump with no one in it (just another quirk as it has no emergency brake). Just writing about the Black Pearl gives me a sense of to figure out what's wrong with those brakes....

the Black Pearl

Apr 11, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 11 - 'Pet Pal' #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 9 -  'Pet Pal'

Today we are asked to write a thank you letter to your furry, feathery, or fishy friend for always being there for you. How have they helped you cope with your health condition?

Our pet's name is Lilly Mae, named by my Grand Daughter 
Abigail. She is a Chihuahua Beagle mix and has the ears to show her Beagle side, and the attitude of a Chihuahua...nasty at times but very loving in the end.

We originally got Lilly Mae for my Father in law and she was a trooper all the way up until he passed away. Then she became VERY territorial towards my favorite Diabetic (my Wife). Now she is ours...disclaimer and all. One needs her permission to approach my Wife and it is buyer beware if you don't. She may let you near or give you a little love bite. Just enough to make it a game of sorts.

We take her on our morning walks and she is a riot. She is afraid of cats, birds, cars and strangers. She is NOT like any other dog I have ever had. She will jump at the chance to go bye bye bye in the car, but is terrified the first minute or two. She has her own window to look out during the day and will not let anyone near HER window.

Sometimes I think she will sense a high Blood Glucose level and sits right there next to her after smelling my Wife's breathe. She will not move until my Wife test's her blood sugar. VERY smart like that and we know dog's are very trainable to sense a high and a low like that.

All in all, she is a perfect companion to us and will always be there with a kiss when she senses any grief. She is always happy when we wake up in the morning and return from any car trip.

So a big thank you to Lilly Mae for always being there for us all the time...

Apr 10, 2015

Day 10 #HAWMC: Comfort Food

Comfort food...I LOVE me some mashed potatoes!! It took me a while to perfect my potatoes but it was worth the lumpy wait. They are the ultimate in fluffiness and taste. I try not to make them too often as I tend to have them as my main course instead of a side dish.

I also LOVE to bake. Many times I will bake something and not eat any of it. It's just the act of making something for someone that makes me happy. I remember when I was dating my hubby and this new cake mix had just come out. I was dying to try it. So I ended up making it when I got off work one night and drove it to his house 35 minutes away at 10pm to share it with him and his roommate.

I enjoy trying new recipes and cooking. There is something satisfying in creating a meal and having it come out great and it also gives us memories of dinners that maybe didn't turn out that great. I wish I had more time to craft our dinners but let's face it...many nights I'm lucky to get something cooked in time for my family to eat before we are out the door for sports, school events or meetings. In fact my eldest  daughter just asked me to teach her how to cook. I decided that she could plan a menu for one night. Let me know what I need to buy at the grocery and she can own the meal. This should be interesting!! I guess that cooking reminds me of family as we are usually able to gather together at night and enjoy as a family. Sharing our days, our hopes, goals, laughter gathered around a table of love.

Thanks to Google images for this cute diner clip art! 

Apr 9, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 9 - 'Challenger' #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 9 -  'Challenger'

Today we are prompted to write about a time we had to overcome a daunting challenge. 

One word...Cancer. 

Skin Cancer as in Basal Cell Carcinoma to be exact. 

The word stigma comes to mind defined as "a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person".

I don't agree in my case as a mark of disgrace. It was and still remains as a mark on my face, but no disgrace.

Twenty one days of radiation therapy kicked it's little ass big time, and as of my last dermatologist appointment was still GONE. Only thing remaining is a scar on my face to be reminded of the battle. The battle I won for now.

One of the hardest parts was getting to the radiation appointments. THAT was a battle that was overcome. The actual hardest part was being the Patient not the Caregiver. I was not used to being on that side of things. 

Surrounding myself with people I love who's advice I take was the key. Not very different with any diagnosis for any reason.

I made it because of them...

Apr 8, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 8 - Things Remembered #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 8 - Things Remembered

Today we are asked to write about 'Things Remembered'. What is an item you have kept with you that reminds you of an important time in your life? Whether it was a good day, a stressful time, or a happy moment… why does this item remind you of that period of your life?

One of the few items I have to remember my Dad is a shell casing from one of the 21 rounds fired during his Funeral. One of the few things I have from my Mom is a spitoon. These items have significant meaning to me and how my Parents lived their lives.

My Dad joined the military at the age of 17. He had to get a waiver for his age in order to enlist. He was honored at his funeral services with a 21 gun salute. I had the honor of being able to salute him for real, not just in spirit. This is significant because we  were raised to NOT be violent towards any other human or animal. So having the shell casing is a reminder to treat others as I would want to be treated by them...the "Golden Rule".

My Mom was a chain smoker for most of her adult life. One of the items she left behind is a spitoon, An antique worthy of remembering for after 40 years or so my Mom quit smoking...cold turkey. The importance of remembering that living as healthy of a life as possible is what I get from that. And in fairness to my Mom it was never used for it's intended use.

Apr 7, 2015

Day 6 #HAWMC: World Health Day

Today is World Health Day and I am to share with you how diet and nutrition changed after diagnosis. When my middle daughter was 4 years old and we were in the hospital learning how to care for her new diagnosis of T1D we were given the option of bolusing before or after meals. Thinking about her being 4 and a somewhat picky eater I opted for the bolusing after meals. I never wanted food to be a fight meaning I didn't want to have to force her to finish her meal because I had just bolused for the full meal nor did I want to give her smarties or some fast acting carbs instead of her eating her healthy meal. Bottom line I didn't want food to control us. Almost 10 years later she will only bolus before meals if she knows she will eat all of her meal and it ends up being about 1-2 meals a day that she knows she will finish. The others she will bolus immediately after she is done eating. I know it isn't the best as the insulin is behind in working but it works for her. Also, I have never restricted food. She can eat whatever she wants. Both of my T1D girls can. When my middle daughter was younger I may have delayed when she could have a treat but she always was able to get it. So what do I mean by delay? Let's say her blood glucose had been on the higher side throughout the day and we've been pumping insulin in her and have switched out her pump site but for whatever reason her BG wasn't cooperating I would push the water and carb free snacks (if she was hungry) to get her BG down but then when she was in range she was allowed to have her treat. As she has gotten older she makes these choices by herself. She realizes how she feels like total crap when her BG is higher and having a 1/2 cup of ice cream isn't make her feel any better until she is in a good range. My thought is I never wanted her to feel ashamed of eating or sneak food because I restricted it. She's educated enough by living with diabetes for almost 10 years that she knows what to eat and when to delay a higher carb treat. So in our house our kids can have their cake and eat it too with a nice bolus...we call that #bolusworthy. I usually have a nice selection of fruits, veggies and proteins in the house...although not at the moment...I need to go to the grocery! My kids are also very active and exercise is important to them....even if it's just walking around college kids are always moving. It takes a good balance of nutrition and exercise to help achieve good BG numbers, HOWEVER, you all know that sometimes it just doesn't matter and you will still have funky numbers. But eating right and exercising never hurt anyone!! I am by no means a doctor or dietitian but it works for our what's best for yours!

Apr 6, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 6 - My hero[s]

WEGO blog challenge Day 6  - My hero[s]

Today's prompt is to write about my hero[s].  Who are they and what makes them awesome in m eyes?

This one is always a tough one for me, as there are many. My Parents, my Father in law, and even a bigger one for all the Parents of children with diabetes.. So as I sat here thinking, I was having a rough time  to come up with just one. Until....

I realized the obvious choice was clear...My fellow partner in crime, [blogger] Jen Hamilton Loving. 

Let me give a couple reasons why. Not only is Jen the Blue Heel Society's Chief Content Manager, she is a Mom. And not just any Mom.

Jen is the Mom of two Type 1 Diabetic Daughters's. That is impressive enough except for this. Jen's Son is a Hemophiliac. So being the Parent of all three extra awesome children should be the icing on the cake.Jen is my hands down favorite for my choice as my Hero. On top of all that...

Jen is writing two blog post's for this years Wego #HAWMC Blog Challenge. One for Blue Heel Society and the other on her Hemophilia Blog , many day's a double posting. 

Did I mention Jen has a 'regular' job, AND works with her local  JDRF as well? Jen also participates in various Community Event's including, running, racing, showing off her Blue Shoes every chance she can.

And lastly for now, Jen is a very awesome Wife to a very awesome Husband. Joe is right there with Jen every step of the way. 

Again, it is hard not to pick all the Parents of Children with diabetes, as well every Child that requires a little extra love. They are my daily hero's, but C'mon...JEN ROCKS!!!!

p.s. all the usage of the word "awesomes" comes with my SoCal language thing I have going on