Feb 24, 2012

Are you GREAT?

One of my fave quotes is: "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them". This quote is from William Shakespeare but I think it's very fitting  for our Blue Heel Society. Why? Because we are all involved in something great here!! In 3 short months, BHS, has rallied the DOC and you have NOT disappointed us. We LOVE all the pics your sending to us with your blue shoes!!  We LOVE when your out and see blue shoes and IMMEDIATELY think Blue Heel Society and diabetes or see someone in the airport sporting blue shoes and tag us in your photo. We LOVE it all!! Keep 'em coming!!

However, I know there are some of you that are thinking, "what's a pair of blue shoes gonna do?" Those pair of blue shoes, you wear, can spark a conversation that educates one person about diabetes. Who then, in turn, educates another person and it goes on and on and on...(I throw my hands up in the air sometimes saying Hey -Yo!) sorry...couldn't help myself!! We all know it is going to take EACH and EVERY one of us to educate the public about diabetes. Why NOT do it in blue shoes??

So on this Blue Friday, go forth and be GREAT!!! And ask yourself: were you born with it, will you achieve it or will it be thrust upon you???