Feb 20, 2012

What BLUE means to me...

I HATE blue!! Before you get your heels all in a twist...let me explain. Blue has been in my life FOREVER!! Those of you that have attended a catholic school know what I mean. Blue is everywhere...it was in my school uniform, it was in my spirit wear, sports uniforms,shoes, backpacks, sweaters...like I said, it was everywhere...for 8 years!! (I think I chose a public high school just to get away from blue!) I stayed away from blue like it was the plague. If the option was blue or naked...I'd take naked, thank you very much!! Fast forward many, many years and now my T1D daughter is attending the EXACT same catholic school wearing the EXACT same uniform!!!
(My girls, Nora & Evy. The uniform on the left is the one I wore!)

But now with the push for a circle to denote the universal symbol of diabetes and a BLUE circle at that, I've started to see blue, in a different way. Now, I smile when I see blue. I am SEEKING blue, everywhere I go!  My first purchase of blue shoes set me over the edge and I became a "blue-for-life'er".  I'm one of those people that when I'm committed to something, I obsess. My husband knows this... for Christmas he bought me a blue jacket, blue Converse and a blue Pandora bead. He said I could wear them to all my diabetes events.(Insert "AWE" here...I love that man!) I can't go into a store without looking for blue clothes and of course, blue shoes!! It's so bad that every time I see something blue, I squeal in delight! I've even got my sister looking...and she is NOT a shopper!!
(My first pair!!)

But what does all this mean?!?! (besides the fact that I obviously need therapy!!) Now...blue means: diabetes, DOC, unity, strength, love, but most of all it means HOPE. Hope that with each day, new medications and  new devices will improve the health of my diabetic daughter and  HOPE for what we all so desperately want...a CURE!! To see diabetics, their family and friends all together,  all wanting a cure...people we don't even know yet brought together by this dreadful disease, showing solidarity by wearing blue is a sight to behold.

(WDD 2011 Cincy, OH Artistic Vision)
I wear blue to support my diabetic daughter and raise awareness for diabetes. It's amazing how a blue pair of shoes can turn into a conversation about diabetes. Don't believe me? Try it! It happens to me all the time! So, I guess I've come full circle...the color I've despised for years has now become my new favorite color! I <3 blue!!