Nov 1, 2013

This Ain't Your Granny's Diabetes

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month! For some of us, so are the rest of the 11 months out of the year.  For me, this is one month I get excited about. I like to try and educate at least one person to the world of diabetes. To give them a glimpse into our family life. To dispel myths.

This was my first introduction into diabetes:

ahh! Yes, Wilfred Brimley. And good heavens, man! It's pronounced: Di-a-be-tes... So as a kid I thought old people got it.

If this is your perception of what diabetes is...erase your memory, bleach your eyes anything that will get rid of what you think diabetes is.

Wilfred Brimley is just ONE face of diabetes.

There are so many others. Faces that are young, old and in between.

This ain't your Granny's diabetes.

Diabetes IS...

for Type 1 diabetes (T1D) it is an autoimmune disease. The pancreas no longer makes insulin and therefore blood glucose cannot enter the cells to be used for energy. T1D patients did NOTHING to cause them to get diabetes.

for Type 2 diabetes (T2D) either the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to  use insulin correctly. There is a big genetic component to T2D. It's not just for the obese. If that were the case everyone who was considered obese would be diagnosed as Type 2. There are plenty of fit, thin people being diagnosed with Type 2.

For both types there is NO CURE. I don't care what you read on the cover of Women's Daily as you are waiting in line in the checkout at the grocery store. Diabetes canNOT be reversed, grown out of or disappear when eating salad.  Diabetes is a serious matter the type.

What I would like you to know is both types suck. Who wants to have to worry about taking blood sugars, taking insulin shots or pills everyday...sometimes several times a day. If you or your loved one live diabetes you know what I'm talking about...if you received this because a love one or friend shared it with you please take the time to educate yourself about diabetes.  I encourage you to ask questions. Help us dispel the myths about diabetes. Help us raise awareness for diabetes.