May 12, 2014

Change the World #DBlogWeek Day 1

Let’s kick off Diabetes Blog Week by talking about the diabetes causes and issues that really get us fired up. Are you passionate about 504 plans and school safety? Do diabetes misconceptions irk you? Do you fight for CGM coverage for Medicare patients, SDP funding, or test strip accuracy? Do you work hard at creating diabetes connections and bringing support? Whether or not you “formally” advocate for any cause, share the issues that are important to you. 

All of the above really fires me up. I know we've blogged about all those issues here at Blue Heel Society over the years. It seems as if my Diabetes journey goes through seasons; as in any journey. Before this year we've never needed a 504 in place for our daughter, Nora. I know some of you just gasped as you read that. But we have been lucky enough that every school Nora has been enrolled in has treated her as their own and have bent over backwards in every aspect of her care. It wasn't until this year that we had a plan put into place for her on paper. It really isn't a legal's more of an IEP but I was ready to go in with guns blaring and the staff and teachers couldn't have been more supportive.

We deal with misconceptions daily. This is something, I feel, will need to be done for as long as there is diabetes. Just with any chronic illness or any diagnosis it's up to you to set the record straight and dispel those misconceptions or educate about your health. 

I've fought for CGM coverage and won. I like to believe that I have my own phone line at the insurance company (think Bat phone) and they know when I'm calling I'm fired up, they have screwed up and they will fix/cover the item needed. Okay...maybe I've watched too much Batman growing up or I'm sleep deprived but it's my blog entry so a girl can dream! :)

I've gone to local government and talked about the importance of the SDP. I've advocated for #stripsafely. You name it...we've done it or blogged it or both. My favorite thing to do though is make those diabetes connections. If it's connecting newly diagnosed people to established families in their area, sending supplies to those in a tight spot, reaching out and letting someone know they aren't alone is something I enjoy doing. As much as I hate to hear about a new diagnosis I feel the need to get them connected. I may be a little over zealous but it's just that passion shining through. 

Blue Heel Society owns many shoes...that are ready to be worn and tackle any diabetes need!