May 15, 2014

#DBlogWeek Day 4: Mantras and More

We have a few mantras that get us through the hard times. They are nothing special and I'm sure many of you use them too.

My girls like to use: Stay Strong.

It's simple. Easy. To the point.

In fact, Evelyn usually signs off on her blog, the diabetes monster, ~ Stay Strong.

She loves that mantra so much she has it tattooed on her back shoulder blade.

It works for her. It helps her through the tough times.

The other mantra is: Just keep swimming.

My other daughter, Nora, likes this one.

And isn't it true. Don't we all...just keep swimming?

Especially when it comes to diabetes. When blood sugars are wonky, your tired, everything just seems so just keep swimming.

We sometimes throw in a "it is what it is". Just to mix it up a bit. That hold true as well. You take the day you're given, good BG's, bad BG's and in the end: it is what it is.

These mantras may sound cliche and at face value they are. But when you put meaning behind them and who is behind that meaning is when they become special.