Dec 4, 2011

Diabetes Comes In All Kinds of Shoes.....

When it comes to Diabetes, there's enough to go around.

From babies to the elderly, from supermodels to the farmers, from the poor to the insanely rich, this disease does not discriminate.

Type 1, 1.5, 2, Gestational, Monogenic.  All forms of a disease that affect our loved ones organs, emotional well being, and every aspect of their lives.

There are no breaks. Ever. Every moment of the day is crucial to Diabetes management, from a sip of that ice cold lemonade to walking the mall for 2 hours in search of a fierce Blue Heel.

When you sleep, we are up checking  blood sugars, changing sites, giving juice to raise that low or insulin to bring down that high.

Christmas, Birthday, Holy Communions, Weddings, you name it. It is there.
The tricky thing is YOU can't see it.

But it is there.

When you're not looking a blood sugar is being obtained through a finger stick, a site changed in a public bathroom, glucose tabs stuffed down throats looking like a kid just eating is all there.

It can't be put aside, shrugged off, or put on hold until later.

Hence our Blue Heel.

Shoes from the outside, look amazing. Glamourous, attractive, sparkly.  You want to have them as yours and feel that sense of pride wearing them, like the person across from you.

What you don't see is the pain, discomfort and royal (BLUE) pain in the a** they are.

Like Diabetes.

You see our kids and loved ones smiling, playing, bickering with siblings, working 12 hour shifts, dancing, cooking, raising babies, running business, but you can't see the internal turmoil that this disease can cause.

We are saying.... INVISIBLE NO MORE.

We will be seen.

In our Blue Heels (shoes, clogs, kicks, if you prefer), showing support for all those who live day in and day out with Diabetes.

We won't take our shoes off, because they can't stop having Diabetes.

And yes even cute stinky footsies get the Beetes.....