Sep 26, 2012

Am I hearing things???

We live in a house that is over 130 years old. It's pretty cute, I must say. We have it painted in a Painted Lady style (with the crazy colors) it's got the wrap around porch, metal roof, old fuses, old plumbing, hardwood floors, wood siding, LOTS of work. Joe and I sleep on the first floor and all the kids are on the upper floor. I use a baby monitor, which we have named the Pump Monitor, after all, Nora is almost 12, to hear her pump alarming (and for Jackson too...he's four).

I know Medtronic has this nifty thing called the MySentry, which is a monitor with a screen of what your child's pump screen is. And man, oh man, if this family could afford it I would get it yesterday. But we just can't (even with the special they are running!) ANYWAY!!

 We upgraded the Pump Monitor to a digital one. It's nice and quite. I had an older one that was really loud and static-ky, but it worked. This digital one is almost too quite. There are nights I lie in bed and mentally will one of the kids to make some kind of noise in their sleep so that I know the monitor is working properly. Then there are nights I swear I hear her pump alarming and it's not. You know, when it's so quite that it's almost deafening? Does that make sense? I think my mind/ears like to play tricks on me. And why I let my mind get the best of me, I'll never know. Because when her pump alarm goes goes off. No doubt about it. However, last night I kept thinking I heard this muffled noise and it was nothing...not the pump anyway. It's just maddening. Not to mention the fact I need to turn our monitor off downstairs when the kids are gone...what if I hear a noise up there? What if someone just whispers my name? Right. by. the. monitor.!!! EEK!! As if D doesn't cause enough this monitor is wreaking havoc with my mental state (and for those that know me, it doesn't take much!...Did you just read the whole whisper my name sentence!?)

I just wanted to share this with you. Just in case, you too, are hearing things...know your not alone. And if you aren't, then great!! ...maybe it's just me?!?!

Our fancy Pump Monitor!!