May 13, 2015

Clean it Out

My diabetes cabinet is pretty has to be with two T1D's in the house. I'm a little OCD about it too. I circle all the expiration dates and rotate the boxes of supplies as they are used. Everything has a place and it's super easy to grab the needed items for the always seeming on the go site change.

One thing that I used to be bad about keeping was the printed out reports one gets after visiting the Endo for the three month check up. Not sure why I felt the need to keep them all but I think I'm good right now. I might be sitting on two print outs x 2 kids so four reports. I at least keep the latest one on the off chance we have a pump failure and I need to look up ratios and sensitivities.

There are definitely other areas that I need help in but organizing our diabetes supplies is not one of them!