May 12, 2015

Keep it to Yourself

If you have followed along with the Blue Heel Society for a while you know I pretty much tell it like it is. I don't hold back on too many things. The one thing I sometimes brush ever so slightly on is the mental aspect of diabetes and the toll it takes on the caregiver but more specifically the patient.

 I keep it to myself because it isn't my personal fight. I can speak to how it affects me as a caregiver but I can't speak on how it affects my daughters. I see it though. It's not my story to tell. It's theirs.

 There is something therapeutic for me about being vulnerable with all of you that I like to share as I know it could help someone who is dealing with the same issue. I view my blogging as my journal only all of you get to read my inner most thoughts. It helps me to write and get things off my chest.

 My eldest daughter blogs for the Diabetes Monster. You can find the link here. She tells it like it is too and writes very positively. I know it helps her to encourage and inspire others with T1D. My middle daughter expresses herself through art. She loves to create paintings on canvases.

We all have our battles...some we need to keep to ourselves.