May 17, 2015

Continuing Connections

Today is the last day of #dblogweek. It's always a bittersweet time for me as I really like the challenge of blogging everyday. It forces me to sit and write and sometimes I need to that...a release from the crazy days. I am not a big blog reader...I hate to say it but I don't have time to read all the wonderful diabetes blogs out there. And I get a little superstitious about reading them too...I would hate to have a blog influence how I would answer a particular topic before I write it.

But there are a few I do read...I have always followed Meri Schuhmacher at Our Diabetic Life. You can read her amazing blogs here. She has three out of four children with T1D and she was so supportive of me when my second daughter was diagnosed. She has a positive attitude or even on the off chance she had a rough day of battling blood sugars she will say something that just makes me giggle...because I have been down that road too.

I also read Amy Ermel's blog, Mom of an extra sweet insulin challenged girl. You can read her blog here. Amy always makes me smile and is incredibly talented with a knitting needle!! Amy has a great attitude as well. I love the stories that she tells about her daughter and the pictures of her crazy cat! I swear, with some of her stories I feel we must be related!

The writing that both of these ladies so eloquently put together have been the hug that I've needed to feel or the high five I've been waiting for. They have given me hope and cheered me along the way just when I've needed it. While many of us bloggers may wonder if anyone reads our rambling...please know that this blogger reads yours and I look forward to them! Great job ladies and thank you for writing!

Giving credit where credit is due...however, I don't know who to credit for this logo but it's NOT me!