Mar 31, 2012

Blue Heel Society Fan of the Week (FOTW)

Thanks to the generosity of the Developers of our BHS Fan Of The Week (FOTW) Application, we have a full working version of their Top Fan Application that allows us to showcase our Bluetiful peeps, based on multiple interaction factors on our Facebook Page.

This weeks Fan of the Week (FOTW) is Racheal McSharry, and we asked Ms. McSharry to answer a few questions as to learn a little more about her.

BHS: Connection w/ diabetes

RM:  My 3 year old daughter Elyssa was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes July 1st, 2011. So Sunday 4-1-12 will be 9months since diagnosis.

BHS: General geographic location

RM: We live in Las Vegas, NV

BHS: What blue shoe (Heel, sneaker, riding shoe, etc.) suits you & Why?

RM: Favorite blue shoe would have to be a heel, but for everyday i use sneakers!

BHS: What does advocacy mean to you?

RM: Advocacy is people coming together from all walks of life to fight for a common cause. I believe that Blue Heel Society will be able to do this. People all over the world love the look of high heel shoes and if they don't then once they know the meaning of the "BLUE HEEL" they will have to fall in love with it.

BHS:  Blog/site/twitter/organization

RM: I did start a blog to document this tired, crazy road that Diabetes has brought us upon. I'm not a good writer but I had so many feelings bottled up and so many things were going on I wanted to write about them, and our story is here

BHS: Words of wisdom/encouraging statement/general statement about diabetes

RM: Not words of wisdom but....When I'm a crappy pancreas to my daughter and I feel like giving up I just look at her and it makes me smile. She's living life and loving almost every moment with/without Diabetes and I have to do the same.