Aug 11, 2012

Guest post - "Dear Diabetes"

The Blue Heel Society is pleased to share another in our ongoing series of "Dear Diabetes" letters. Today, we share the following from the newest D-Blog on our Blogroll "We Do Hard Things":

Dear Diabetes,

I hate you. Not like I hate coconut or the stomping of feet in the apartment above us. My hate for you is deep. Like the hate for someone who hurts innocent children. The hate for someone who takes precious childhood memories away. The hate for someone that sucks the happiness out of the day in one split fleeting second. You, diabetes, are the most hated of all.

But guess what? You cant win. You can try to take our childs sweet innocent memories and replace them with horrible ones of finger sticks, injections, and constant doctors visits. And you can keep on trying. But I will not let this go down without a fight.

I will give my son the most normal wonderful childhood that anyone can hope for. I will replace your pain with joy, frustration with peace, hate with love.

ALL children deserve to have a childhood and I will fight you to the death to make it so. I don't care if it takes every ounce of life within me. You will never win. 


Your WORST Enemy

Reposted with permission from