Apr 17, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 17 - 'Health Tagline' #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 17 -  'Health Tagline'

Today we are prompted to create a “Health tagline” Give yourself, your blog, your condition, or some aspect of your health a tagline. Make sure it’s catchy!

Those of us affected by diabetes talk so much about, and dwell upon the Blood Glucose [sugar[ Levels of finger poke test's during the day, A1c [3 month average] Tests, proper carb to insulin ratios, amount of good/bad carbs in any given food.

It is WAY to easy to stress over each and every aspect of the numbers those items bring. You will see many try to keep things in perspective by saying it is just a number. So how about we go all out and make our tagline "Diabetes...it's just a number".

One of the things we try to impress upon ourselves, and to those whom are newly diagnosed, is that diabetes is NOT a death sentence. That does not mean we ever forget that it IS a silent killer, and that the medication [Insulin] that keeps us alive, can also kill us. That being said, here's another tagline worth exploring "Diabetes is just a word, not a [Death] Sentence".

To summarize, I have "Diabetes...it's just a number" or "Diabetes is just a word, not a [death] Sentence".

We would love to hear YOUR Tagline. Just leave it in the comments section and we will feature them in a future blog post.