Apr 20, 2015

WEGO blog challenge Day 20 - 'Travel Time' #HAWMC

WEGO blog challenge Day 20 -  'Travel Time'

Today we are asked to write about "If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?".

I am far from the seasoned traveler. As a matter of fact, the farthest I travel many days is to 7/11 and/or the grocery store. Doesn't mean I am opposed to traveling. We are actually planning a move out of State [Cali] to Oklahoma to be near Kids and Grandkids. And of course finding new Doctors and Pharmacy's is on the menu and isn't that easy. So...

One of the places I always wanted to see is Boston. I love the East Coast and lived there for many years, just never made it up the Coast to Boston. I know I would enjoy the vast historical beauty as well as the rich fishing industry that part of our Country has. 

Since today is the Boston Marathon, I celebrate being an American and would love to be there to slap terrorism in the face.

God bless America and safe travels everyone...