May 15, 2012

One Great 2

Today I am to share with you ONE GREAT THING, the one great thing, diabetes related that we (Nora and I) do well. We check all the time, we do nothing wrong and Nora's numbers are perfect!
...bahahahaahaa!! You all know that's a lie!! Okay, okay, seriously, THE one thing that we do well is


I could talk about diabetes to anybody, anytime of day, anywhere (good thing I blog!!) and I LOVE meeting newly dx'd families. I get excited...yes, it's sick I know, but I want to take them in like a lost puppy and give them ALL of my seven years of knowledge in one conversation. At first it's a lot of listening and just letting them know you get it!

One of the first things I let them know is NOT to beat themselves up over numbers. Everyday the same food could eaten, bolus the exact same way and you'll have two totally different outcomes.

There is a learning curve and we still to this day keep learning! Yep, you read that right...we are STILL learning!!  D will throw MULTIPLE curve balls but
                                  just keep at it!! 

So I check in on them through calls, text, email and send note cards just letting them know I'm thinking about them. If they ever need anything I'm a call away!

Nora is the same with the kids. Every time a classmate is dx'd (unfortunately it's increasing) she tells them what they need to get for their pump, tricks for keeping sites on during the hot days, suggestions on site changes for less pain, snacks for lows and  looks out for them when she sees them in the hall or at the nurses office, makes them feel welcome to this new world.

I've noticed D kids just kinda form this bond. It's unspoken...they just get each other...
        no explanations
                                                 ...nothing. They are bonded for life! They don't even talk about diabetes. It's understood. They can just be kids, who just happen to have D.

I'll take these friendships and bonds over perfect numbers any day...(well, most days!) We are too busy living instead of achieving the perfect A1C.

I'm raising kids NOT diabetes! 

That's why we love to mentor...besides, who wants a perfect mentor??!!