May 18, 2012

What "they" should know...Day 5

Diabetes Blog Week continues with: "What is one thing you would tell someone that doesn’t have diabetes about living with diabetes?”. I am allowed to do more than one so of course I will!! After all, how can you name just one?!

1. My kids pancreas is busted...won't's a dead organ! 

2. Yes, my kids is skinny AND has diabetes. (refer to #1)

3. Yes, my kid is healthy AND has diabetes. (refer to #1)

4. Yes, my kid can eat ANYTHING she wants (except cookies...made with poison).

5. No, I did NOT force feed my kid sugar and cause her diabetes. (refer to #1)

6. Your poor dog has diabetes?? Then you absolutely know exactly what I go through!! NOT! 

7. Insulin is NOT a cure it's what keeps her alive! (refer to #1)

8. Diabetes is LIFE threatening! I'm so sorry you were up all night with a colic-y baby but I was up forcing my child to drink apple juice, in her sleep, because her blood sugar was 35 and oh, I basically saved her life but yea, your baby has colic. That sucks...

9. The ginger root or moss growing on the east facing tree trunk in some god forsaken island will NOT cure my kid from diabetes. (refer to #1)

10. I'm sorry that your uncle twice removed had both legs amputated because of his diabetes complications when he was 85 years old...and thank you for your vivid description of what his stumps look like in front of my diabetic daughter...would you like to pay for her therapy now?

11. You could NEVER stick your child with a syringe?? uh, yes you could if you had too (refer to #6)

12. Your kid has a cold? I'm sorry. When my kids is sick, vomiting, has ketones & blood sugar spiking we call that a trip to the ER. 

13. Have you ever had to count your kids breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack carbs, SWAG a birthday cupcake or factor in activity level before/after you give your kid their life saving medicine? Oh, yeah, your kid can just eat without a carb count care in the world! 

I know you have your faves too!! What are they? Your turn!!