Apr 21, 2012

Blue Heel Society - Fan Of The Week

For day 21 of the WEGO HAWMC we are going off topic for today, to showcase our Fan Of The Week.

Thanks to the generosity of the Developers of our BHS Fan Of The Week (FOTW) Application, we have a full working version of their Top Fan Application that allows us to showcase our Bluetiful peeps, based on multiple interaction factors on our Facebook Page.

This weeks Fan of the Week (FOTW) is Maria Qadri, and we asked Ms. Qadri to answer a few questions as to learn a little more about her.

BHS: Connection w/ diabetes

MQ: Myself. Type 1 for almost 15 years. My grandfather has Type 2, and there are signs of insulin resistance in my family.

BHS: General geographic location: 

MQ: New Jersey, USA

BHS: What blue shoe (Heel, sneaker, riding shoe, etc.) suits you & Why?
MQ: Blue climbing shoes! I've been rock climbing for 5 years now and I could never do it without my climbing shoes. Functional and stylish, my blue rock shoes are essential to a day on the mountain or in a rock gym.

BHS: What does advocacy mean to you?

MQ: Advocacy means speaking up. Even it's as something as small as just saying "I have diabetes." For a long time, I kept my mouth shut about my health. As I've gotten older,
I realized that there's always someone else who need that little bit of help and reassurance that they're not alone in this uphill battle. Whether it's someone who's newly diagnosed, someone who's had D for many years, or someone who has a diabetic friends, we can always learn
and share our experiences. Diabetes varies from person to person as do perceptions of life with diabetes. If everyone with diabetes and touched by diabetes spoke out about every finger prick, sweet treat, or shot of insulin in public, the misconceptions would slowly start disappearing.

BHS: Blog/site/twitter/organization
MQ: Website: climbingdiabetes.blogspot.com Twitter: @somebody_exotic

BHS: Words of wisdom/encouraging statement/general statement about diabetes
MQ: Everyone has good days & bad days with diabetes but how you deal with them matters more than anything. I will not let one dysfunctional pancreas hold me back from reaching any heights or my dreams.

Congrats again to Ms. Qadri, and the BHS Team thanks each & every one of YOU for being a part of our Family.