Apr 14, 2012

Day 14...My Dream Day...

WOW!! This is total torture!! 
I guess I can dream BIG and say a private beach with my hubby but as nice and wonderful and PERFECT as that would be..

we would so miss our kids!!

So...I'll dream simple...a day with NO diabetes!! That's simple, right?? Ha!! Some of you may know that our family also deals with another health issue...hemophilia. Our 4 year old son is a hemophiliac. It is a genetic bleeding disorder that requires, for him right now, twice weekly IV infusions of a blood clotting medicine for the rest of his life. But THAT is a whole different blog but image my kitchen cabinets filled with diabetes AND hemophilia supplies! I have more money wrapped up in medicine and medical supplies in my frig/cabinets than I do in food!!

Sad but true! 

 so my REAL dream day would be a day with NO medical issues for my diabetic daughter and hemophiliac son. To be able to leave the house WITHOUT the diabetes bag. To go on a trip WITHOUT the travel notes from the Doctor's. To pack for a trip WITHOUT using an extra suitcase for medical supplies. What am I talking about?!?!? To GO on a REAL vacation as a family without researching where the nearest hospital is!! To have NO worries!!! To let my daughter eat and eat and eat without worrying what her blood sugar is or if she bolused for her food. To not worry over every fall, bump or bruise my son gets everyday and wonder if I should call the Hospital to see if he needs an infusion.

To sleep...peacefully.

 To go back to the way life was BEFORE I knew what diabetes OR hemophilia was. 

But then I wouldn't have met YOU. I wouldn't cherish or value everyday for what it is. Our family wouldn't be as close. I wouldn't volunteer as much and give back to the community like I do now. I wouldn't be grateful...yes, grateful, for these medical conditions because it could ALWAYS be worse! So I'll take my Dream Day and crumble it up into a ball and flush it down the toilet because I'm NOT going to be getting it anytime soon.

I'll take EVERYDAY as my Dream Day and be thankful that I have my husband, my kids and our health, although medically imperfect, and my DOC and HOC and live it up!