Apr 11, 2012

Day 11 of the WEGO Challenge - The Blue Heel Society Theme Song

Day 11 of the WEGO Challenge prompts us to "Imagine your health focus or blog is getting its own theme song", and we are VERY fortunate to actually have a song written for us. Enjoy...

Blue Shoe Blues
and the 

"Sometimes I'm high, Sometimes I'm low
I've been chasing these numbers, how long now I don't know
Every shot to my gut is life in my heart
Everyday I wake up to a brand new start
I put on my Blue Shoes and I can walk away from these blues

I'm a red-blooded man, my back is strong
I like to eat some greens, and I like to pick a few songs
I know life ain't black and white, we all live in shades of grey
But blue is my color, that's where I'm gonna stay
I put on my blue shoes and I can walk away from these blues