Apr 29, 2012

Day 29: Six Sentence Story...ha! I'll try!

Yesterday, we spent the day in Rio Grande, Ohio for my daughter's Gymnastics State Meet and she did great taking 2nd place in Tumbling, 4th on Double Mini and 4th on Trampoline! Blood sugars ran a little high because she disconnects while competing but we got her leveled out by mid afternoon. We drive home only to have her grab a quick bite to eat, re pack and get her to her girlfriends house, whose on the gym team, for a sleep over. Hubby, our son and I go grab a bite to eat for dinner and just as I'm enjoying my first bite, my phone rings. It's Nora telling me her insulin pump site is about to fall out so I finish dinner, run home, grab a new site, insulin and fast acting carbs and drive back out to her friends house for a 10:30pm site change! Yep, just another day in the D-Life from the Loving family...oh, and DIABETES SUCKS!

Nora at State Tumbling Meet!