Apr 20, 2012

Day 20: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Miracle Cure is Here!

Well this is supposed to be a news article on a Miracle Cure... What does it look like, how will it look, what will it be. But honestly, I'm having a hard time writing this. I realize that it  is a fun, light-hearted blog post today but I'm just not feeling it. You see, as I sit here writing this blog, my diabetic daughter has a blood sugar of 512 with small ketones. So to write about some miracle cure seems like such a tease;such a slap in the face to her that I just can't do it. Time to check her...
423...coming down

Listen,  I want a miracle cure just as much as you all do but I gotta tell you...

it scares me...

I can't tell you how I would react if her Endo calls and says, "Jen, bring your daughter in...we've got the cure!" I don't know that I would. You see, I KNOW how to manage diabetes. I know how to do fingerpricks, count carbs, change insulin and CGM sites, make changes to bolus/basal rates, administer glucagon...(albeit, Diabetes does throw you curve balls) but I know what I should do to help manage diabetes.

 With a miracle cure I don't know what that will look like or what it will do. What are the ramifications in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, her lifetime?!? This is my child we are talking about...I want this miracle cure to be guaranteed! No side effects, no bad things. Just simple...but fool proof!

So, what do I do? I keep up to date on all the latest medical advancements with technology because I truly believe that you need to have these advancements in order for the diabetic's insides to be healthy. To keep my daughter as healthy as I can keep her to make sure she's ready to receive a miracle cure. I still educate and raise awareness for diabetes. And I still push for a cure. Even though I don't know what it looks like...I still push for it. So I can't dare to dream of a miracle cure. I'm knee deep in reality.