Apr 3, 2012

Diabetic Superhero

Any similarities between Diabetes Momma and myself are absolutely NOT a coincidence!
Yesterday, on our ride home from our JDRF Table of Hope event I was talking to my diabetic daughter, Nora, and telling her about the Writer's Challenge with WEGO and told her about today's topic...Superpower Day. So I asked her what special power a Diabetic Superhero should have and she immediately said X-Ray vision. Now, I know some of you are snickering...this is PG people!! :) She said X-Ray vision so that you could see the busted pancreases or the ones that are getting ready to give out and then heal them. Nice and simple...I like it!

 I went on to ask her about what she would call this Superhero and she immediately said Diabetes Momma (thanks Dear!!) and she should wear blue (of course) for Diabetes Awareness because we will still need to spread awareness so that Diabetes Momma can swoop in and cure any newly diagnosed diabetics with her powerful X-Ray! And of course...she HAS to wear her Blue Heels!! So the cartoon above, is my take on what she MIGHT look like.

Oh, Nora, if only it were that easy to cure diabetes...if only!