Apr 22, 2013

Day 22: of WEGO Health's #HAMWC: "Day to Day"

Today we are asked to "Write about something ordinary that’s inspiring to you, something simple, perhaps overlooked, that fuels your activism."

I again observed my favorite Diabetic in her role as a Caregiver to her Father, and me, just waking up. First thing she did BEFORE anything, as she does everyday, is ask me if I want coffee, then right away turning her attention to her nearly 79 year old Father until his wake up needs are met. This morning ritual comes before everyone and anything...ALWAYS.

Something ordinary...to most.
Something inspiring...every single minute of every single day.
Simple...not by any definition.
Fuels my activism...more than anyone know's.

As a Caregiver, I strive to be just like her. Problem is, I can never be like, or as good as my favorite Diabetic. The circle of life isn't always round...