Apr 8, 2013

Day 8: #HAWMC Animals

Yesterday I was looking ahead at the prompts for our writer's challenge and looked to today's post:

If your health condition was an animal, what would it be?

So I asked my 12 year old diabetic, Nora, and she said a lion. She never did get to tell me why as her 5 year old brother went on an animal explanation of his disease.

I thought about it though. A lion as diabetes.

I like it.

You see, when we go see the lion's at the zoo they are just laying there...tired, lazy, rather bored that a bunch of bystanders are checking them out. They look so cute...all soft and cuddly. You just want to snuggle up with them. But you know their power and strength. There is a reason they are King of the Jungle. Docile one minute; ready to attack the next.

Kinda like ... diabetes.

You can't see diabetes. But you know it's there. You can't cuddle with it but it's there rather bored with all the precautions, finger sticks, prebolusing, temp basaling, all nighters that you pull as a D-parent. At times diabetes is docile. You have a great day with in range numbers and forget all about this stickin' disease. Then there are days when it attacks. Usually at the worst possible moment. During a test. Before bed. While driving. Before a big game. A low while your trying to take care of another kid...you know...we've all been there.

I think Nora was onto something here...diabetes is like a lion...when it roars...we listen.