Apr 5, 2013

Day 5 of the #HAWMC: Aspiration

Today our challenge is "if you could do anything as a Health Activist...", what's your biggest goal with no money, time or physical limitations.

A cure.

Of course it would be to get every scientist/doctor/pharma/investor together and say...CURE DIABETES!!

However, in the mean time...

I'd hold a world wide summit with every doctor/nurses/pharma/"Dr" Oz/Biggest Loser producers/any well meaning idiot that has spoken some mistruth about diabetes and make them take a diabetes class. I would set them down and set them straight. I would educate them. I would have every misconception about BOTH types of diabetes wiped out during this summit.

These professionals would leave knowing the differences in types. To not refer to diabetes as a general type or a one size fits all. For our Doctor's or Nurse's to not ask us at every well/sick appointment if our diabetes is "controlled". To not chastise the care giver for our diabetic having an less than stellar A1C.  For the professionals to listen to the diabetic or the care giver seeing as how we know diabetes better than they do. To give us kudos for being the best stand in pancreas we can be withOUT a degree. For magazine companies to stop advertising how you can reverse diabetes or cure it. To stop all the "this is what you should, would, could do" and just do it...advance technology so there is better accuracy in blood sugar readings, better calibrations with CGM's and smarter insulin pumps so that when the cure comes ALL diabetics are healthy enough to receive a cure.

Thank goodness there is no time or money limitations to this challenge as I'm sure there are some pretty thick headed people out there...the world wide summit may last for days...or months!