Apr 25, 2013

Day 25 of #HAWMC: Learning

Today we are asked to "Share something you learned from another Health Activist (that everyone should know!)."

One of the most important things I have learned on my journey as an Activist very early on, was that I really didn't know a darn thing about diabetes. More importantly, I learned that understanding  how important focusing on the DIABETIC is, not just the disease.

Once I started doing so, I also found out that I learned the need to UN-LEARN everything I thought I knew about people, in order for me to be the best Caregiver possible for my favorite Diabetic.

Probably the most important thing I learned about being a CareGIVER to my Wife, is that I am usually more of a CareTAKER, as i am probably more high maintenance than she is!!!!

The most difficult thing I have learned is that while we await a CURE, is that in essence we are doing mini-cure's all day long, as we work towards the best control possible. I learned that even with nearly 300 medications on the market, we are not much closer than when I started my journey.

This all brought me to realize that patience is the BEST things I have re-learned...