Nov 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving - Day 22 of the WEGO National Health Blog Post Month (#NHBPM)

For today's Blog post prompt, it is of course fitting that we are asked to write about what we are thankful for. I know, real cliche huh?

I have so very much to be thankful for. Family, Friends, Health, Roof over my head, GREAT food to eat today, and of course the thing I am most thankful for is...DIABETES (IT).

IT, reminds me 24/7 that I am personally thankful that I do not have IT in MY body.

IT, is the reason I found all of you...the DOC.

IT, has brought me together with THE most AMAZING Team of people that I would have not known, if it wasn't for IT.

IT, has helped further clarify my Wedding Vows at an earlier stage in life, than most would be afforded the opportunity to do so.

IT, has helped define boundaries regarding "For Better or for Worse" that would have never existed without IT.

IT, is expensive, so the "Richer, for Poorer" has thankfully helped teach us what "Poorer" is, so we can enjoy the things that really matter.

IT, has shown me to truly know what was meant in my Wedding Vows when I said "In sickness and in health", and makes me thankful for every single second in the day, that we are alive.

IT, has also given "'Till death do we part" an everyday revelation that yes, if the day doesn't begin with her dead, it's a GREAT day.

Although IT tries it's very hardest to interfere with our lives, WE will NEVER EVER allow IT to win...EVER (except the few times it comes very close)!
Sometimes I think if IT wasn't in my life for the last twenty years, I may have never EVER come to love my favorite Diabetic the way I do now, as we approach thirty five years together.

You will notice that at the request of the Bride (My favorite Diabetic), we did not have the word "OBEY" anywhere in the Vows :)

Happy Thanksgiving from the entire BHS Family to yours.

Now let's go eat!...TM