Nov 7, 2012


Day 7 Challenge: Re-design a Dr.'s office or Hospital Room...

Hmmm...well my first thought is a padded velcro wall to put my 4 year old on while I'm in the Endo's office. That way he could just hang around, stuck to a wall...just a thought!

I think it would be cool, especially for younger kids, if there was a wooden puzzle type contraption with gears've seen them...they usually are attached to the walls of some kids area...but anyway, to have this puzzle of a body outline. Then you could have movable pieces, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and use it as a fun teaching tool for the younger kids. To show them what a pancreas looks like, where it's located, what it does or supposed to do. Kids learn by doing and it makes much more sense than telling, say your 4 year old, you have diabetes, period.

The room should be nicely lit and a little comfy as when you are in the Endo's office you are there for quite a while. Maybe a little love seat, perhaps? Not that I wanna live there but it'd be nicer to sit on. Of course a dry erase board is key with WORKING markers. A TV is nice but we rarely use it. And room for crying out loud! Ever been in a room with more than one kid, a nurse, an Endo and whomever else feels the need to come in? I need room people! (*oh and if you are going to leave me in the room waiting longer than what I was sitting in the waiting room...leave me in the waiting room...I don't want to be confined with my children in a little room.)

The waiting room should be nice and clean with a TV playing quietly. I don't want toy options as then it makes it harder to get back to the room and then when trying to leave. I'll bring my own!

Of course, I'll take a massage therapist, nail tech, cabana boy and room service...but that might be pushing it...just a little!