Nov 10, 2012

To Post or Not To Post...that is the question...

Today's WEGO blog challenge is:

"Should people post about their (or loved ones) health on facebook? Why or why not?"

Pfft...uh, duh! Yea!

Well, I should say, if you feel comfortable with it or if you are posting about your loved ones health; that they are okay with it first.

If I'm posting about my girl's diabetes or my son's hemophilia on my personal facebook page I am NOT looking for sympathy. I'm looking to educate and raise awareness of said disease. This month has been a perfect example. Many of us in the Diabetes Online Community have been posting on our facebook pages: facts, a day in the life and challenges with diabetes. And in doing this, I've had friends and family reach out and ask questions.

It gets the conversation rolling.

It gets the awareness raised.

It's educating people.

If my posts help open the eyes to others to see the seriousness of diabetes,

the signs of diabetes,

the reality of an invisible disease


 I've done my job.