Nov 26, 2012

Interview with a Vampire...well, not really! ...Day 26 #NHBPM

Good Morning and welcome to day 26. Today I will interview "something" we, unfortunately, know all too well. "It" came 100% uninvited into all of our lives and yet we deal with "it" 24/7/365.

"It" is diabetes.

"Thank you for taking the time to sit down with me and let me ask you a few questions."

"Sure. It's not like I'm going anywhere."

"So how do you pick your, ahem, victims, shall we say?"

"That's easy. I don't discriminate. I'll choose young, school age, heck, I'll even go out and get me an adult. I like showing up when no one is expecting me."

"Why do you show up? I mean, we don't really want you around."

"Ahh...don't care for me 'eh? Well...I figure people really don't have enough going on in their lives that I'll give them something to do. I hate to brag, but I'm anything but boring."

"That's for sure. On to the next question...why do you like to make it really hard during holidays, playdates, SLEEPING?"

"I work everyday, all day. I love my job and NEVER take a day off so why should you? By the way, sleeping is sooo over rated, don't cha think?" (chuckle)

"Uh, yea. Over rated...pfft. What are your favorite things to do, since you never take a day off?"

"My favorite things to do are really quite fun for me. You know when your diabetic eats all that food for lunch and you've weighed and calculated every carb and have them bolus perfectly for it? Yea, I like to play with them and make them high or low...depends on my mood and what they have planned for the day. I try to complicate things the best I can. Oh...and for added kicks that same lunch they eat the next day...I'll do the opposite to them. Oooh!! I love doing this because you caregivers get your panties all in a ruffle...too much fun!!" (giddy with excitement)

"Nice. Well you know, there are some amazing scientists after you. They are trying to cure our diabetics. So what will you do, let's say, when you retire? Although, I personally, would rather see you dead."

"Death!? I'm truly offended. That's awfully harsh."

"Well, ya know. There is no love here."

"Ouch! (chuckle) I don't plan on going anywhere. Those amazing scientists have been after me for years. They can't catch me. I've eluded them for so long..."

I interrupt...
"Dr. Banting stopped you from killing kids."

"Ah...yes. Dr. Banting. umm...that's rather a sore subject with me."

"I bet. With his discovery of insulin, diabetes was no longer a death sentence. In fact, diabetics can live a long and healthy life WITH insulin."

"...ah, yes...umm...I...uh...."

"What?! Insulin got your tongue?"

"well...I've gotta run...I've got lots to do today. Bye."

*I'm so sorry, as you see, Diabetes cut the conversation short. I think I'VE ruffled "it's" feathers. I had lots more to say to "it" but I wouldn't be able to air it...a few choice words, if you catch my drift. I hope you've enjoyed my interview. Have a great day.